Classes and Locations
Call for fees - 860.485.0027 - fees are reasonable, but vary a bit from town to town.
New student schedule - call 860.485.0027 to reserve a spot or make inquiries.
Classes begin at:
Monday Avon 5:40 pm
Wednesday Torrington 7:30 pm
Friday Torrington 6:00 pm
Private and semi-private lessons available.
New Students
All students proceed through the basic syllabus via weekly lessons throughout the academic year. Students are grounded in proper technique, learn traditional and contemporary material, and participate in ceili dances.
Students can start at any age from four on up. New students commit to an 8-week trial period. After that, commitment is on a semester basis (September - January, February - June). Optional summer workshops are available.
Beginners do not need any special class attire. Tuition includes class shorts and t-shirt, ordered in November. Until then, comfortable street clothes are fine. Shorts are best so that feet and knees can be seen easily. Girls order ghillies at the eight-week mark (about $45), and boys get boys' reel shoes (about $80).